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Contacting our customer care cannot be ruled out because there are some situations that warrant requesting for the help of our customer service reps. For this reason, we have made available a 24/7 customer service platform where you will be helped in case you have questions to ask. You don’t even have to set a “good time” to call. Anytime is good! So, go ahead and make your enquiries. You are always welcome!

Derma-Grey Hair Restoration International
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Customer Service

Derma-Grey Hair Restoration 
Europe Zone
Phone: +13478096632

It is our pursuit to ensure that the service we render and the products that get to your doorstep is the best you can ever get, and to a commendable extent, we have been able to satisfy most of our customers. We’d love to see your feedbacks after trying Derma-Grey Hair Restoration. It would also gladden our heart to see you recommend the product to as many as you can.

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These declarations are yet to be assessed by the Food and Drug Administration.
Derma-Grey Hair Product is not to be considered for diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of any disease.
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